Sunday, June 30, 2013

gucccccciguccccci not really

I love ColdLogic and everything they have created from start to present but there was one thing I have been wishing they would make ever since I first discovered them and the talent they have. Every time I got a notice for a new release from them I would hope and wish that there would be shorts that were actually short AND low waist.. and TODAY my wish was granted. When I logged on to see this, I think my day was made! I can't wait to have them all but for now I just have the contrast ones. I think everyone should own a pair of these. Like always ColdLogic has a perfect fit with shapes for their clothing and the alphas are perfect. These shorts are perfect. I know the glasses are in a previous post but they just go with almost ANY outfit I can put together and look amazing, something everyone should have on hand!


Skin - Glam Affair // Zara - Glam Affair
Hair - LeLutka // Beth - LeLutka
Glasses - REDGRAVE // Aviators - REDGRAVE
Top - Shabby Cat // Cotton Cami - Shabby Cat
Backpack - Kal Rau // Urban Backpack - Kal Rau
Shorts - ColdLogic // Ramsey - ColdLogic
Mesh hands/Feet - Slink // Mesh Hands / Mesh Feet - Slink
Shoes - Slink // Aussie Thongs - Slink

Monday, June 24, 2013

Look #4

I think my style is about as bipolar as my taste in music. One day i'll dress from girly to rocker chic to just pajamas. Besides...only one style would be boring to me! But for the inner urban chic I chose to rock the awesome love hate sneakers along with the wings leather jacket from Lethal! Those wings on the jacket make it pop! The lipstick I am wearing, you don't only get one if you decide to hop over to Summerfest to pick it get 16! Every color for any style! Enjoy!


Skin - Glam Affair // Zara - Glam Affair
Glasses - Redgrave // Aviators - Redgrave
Hair - Truth // Delta - Truth Hair
Pants - :FY: // Salvation Skinny Jeans - :FY:
Jacket - ::LC:: // Wings Leather Jacket - LETHAL
Shoes - ::LC:: // Love Hate Sneaker - LETHAL
Earrings - [MANDALA] // Ohoshisama Earring - [MANDALA]
Lipstick - [theSkinnery] // Voluptous lip junkie - [theSkinnery] @ Summerfest'13
Mesh hands - Slink // Mesh Hands Casual - Slink

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Look #3

This outfit is my favorite right now. It's cute and has the light airy summer colors. The top and bottom comes from Little Bones., which I begin to love more and more with every release! I usually do a little touch up editing to my photos but currently I am unable to as i'm waiting for a new wire for my drawing tablet so if anyone notices it's a little.. raw snapped, lol... thats why. I'm "photo-editing" deprived!! Anyways, the flip flops/sandals i'm wearing, these shoes are not meant for just any regular feet or normal sl feet, you have to have the Slink Mesh Feet for them to fit perfectly. Also, I didn't include this in the picture but at the summerfest'13 in the same shop that these flowers/leafs came in the creator also has a ukulele, it has a holding animation and also plays music!! So if you go pick these flowers/leafs up get that ukulele too!!
tune while doing this post

Skin - Glam Affair // Zara - Glam Affair
Eyes - Poetic Colors // pearl - Coloumbia - Poetic Colors
Hair - Truth // Sibohan - Truth Hair
Sweater - Little Bones. // Yoko Jumper - Little Bones. @ SL Fashion Week
Pants - Little Bones. // Seaside Capris - Little Bones.
Hands/Feet - Slink // Mesh Hands and Feet (appliers come separate at Glam Affair store to match them with skin.)  - Slink
Shoes - Slink // Aussie Thongs - Slink
Tattoo - -UtopiaH- // Fallen Angel of Cynicism - -UtopiaH
Leafs/Flowers - BLACLAVA!! // Plumeria Leaf Mix - BLACLAVA!! @ Summerfest'13

Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Birthday, Second Life!

It's an exciting time in Second Life right now! June 16th will be the grand opening of the 10th annual Second Life Birthday! Lucky for me, I was given the opportunity to be able to explore these sims and blog about it. It's hard to believe that on June 23rd, Second Life will officially be a decade old! The event takes place in 21 sims and is comprised of many talented people within the Second Life community who will take you back in time and bring you right back.

I do know these sims will be packed and i'm not sure if this was the intention for these, but, there are pods that seat two people and as they move, they display a little bit of interesting history on some of the exhibits as they pass by. So if you have trouble walking around while in a packed sim or you just want a "tour guide", this may be ideal for you!
I was lucky enough to have a sort of "Personalized tour" by my good friend Christopher Organiser who is a moderator within the event.
One of the first parts of the event Christopher showed me was in the regions SL10B Spellbound and SL10B Impressive. The two sims are comprised of a giant turtle. This is actually one of several main stages (The A’stra Stage) that will include live DJ's and entertainment! He explained to me how it starts off with a cube, symbolizing how Second Life started. At the floor you can follow along the right path and you will see multiple structures. Just a recommendation if you come to this sim, max your draw distance for a bit to zoom out and you'll see how the sim is made up of a giant turtle! It is truly awesome! But if you are unable to max out your draw distance, I've taken a photo to show you :-)

One of my personal favorite parts of the whole event is the actual Welcome Area! The welcome area ranges from pre-history in 1999, the public beta version of Second Life in 2003, all the way to today in 2013. It's always nice to learn about the facts and things that happened throughout the years in Second Life, it's events like this that remind us of how far this virtual world has come since the beginning. I came into Second Life in 2009 starting on the teen-grid, the grids merged about two months after I transferred to main-grid. I never knew what the main grid had to offer and didn't realize just how small teen grid was until the merge. There are so many different opportunities in this virtual world and so many great people and bringing a lot of them together once a year to display just what Second Life is all about!

For all the Linden bear collectors out there, don't forget to stop by the region SL10B Bear Island. This region has the Linden bears! You are able to buy them for L$0 or simply take a copy! The set up for this place is pretty awesome! If you don't find your favorite Lindens bear in here you can also send them a message to get it. Personally, my favorite bear is the "Self Help Bear." I believe it was made by Molly Linden? I may be wrong though, but it is my favorite! But it isn't limited to only that one, I do like them all! Each bear is unique and special in their own way. I think it's a great way for the Lindens to express themselves individually.
"Nicole Linden began the Linden bear tradition many years ago and it carries on to this day with each Linden creating their own bear for residents to collect and enjoy!" - A piece of information/history on the bears found within Linden Bear Island.

I never knew about the Cornfield until one day I overheard someone talking about it. I looked it up and found information about it in the SL Wiki. Essentially if you were bad/naughty, your avatar would have been sent to The Corn Field! While there you would be cut off from any communication outside of that sim and you would have to sit there and "think about what you did." It was a region of mythological status. However, around mid 2012 it was removed! So now, during this event you can go there without having done anything wrong! Isn't that great? The Corn Field

The Event isn't only limited to what I've shown, there is so much more to the whole event and I recommend everyone check it out! It's an awesome experience especially if you are interested in the history of Second Life and how it has improved over the years.
Around the stages and sims I've pictured above there are sims full of exhibits that take you around the timeline of Second Life. I want to give a big thanks to Christopher Organizer for giving me the opportunity to be able create this post and share it with you guys. Above in the post, I have linked all the landmarks to all the places if you would like to visit them directly. The landmarks are colored pink, simply click them and they will open a new window for you to grab the SLURL or you can go to the map in-world and just type SL10B and it will show all the regions. 

The event ends on June 29th, so you have 13 days to explore all the sims!
For more information on SL10B check out this website:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Look #2

This top is probably one of my favorite tops! I consider it a dress sometimes because it sure is long enough! I wear that crown with almost everything, it's simple and perfect. It comes in two other colors, gold and bronze and you can move it where ever you wish on your head! I'm also a huge fan of the infinity symbol, i'm so happy this ring was made! The creator, LaGyo at Collabor88 also has a necklace to match it! A couple credit links down below are actually marketplace links, I was unable to find their in-world store. I ended up getting this top at Collabor88 but now its at the store Ison, I could only get the marketplace, but it's there! <3


Skin - Glam Affair - Zara - Glam Affair
Crown - Chibi Crown - Two Guys MARKETPLACE
Ring - LaGyo_Aiko Ring - Collabor 88
Hair - Truth - Candy - Truth Hair
Dress/top - Ison - Oversized top - Ison MARKETPLACE
Slink mesh feet/hands - Slink
Eyes - pearl - coloumbia - Poetic Colors

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Addicting Gacha Machines

 I think I can speak for everyone when I say the Gacha event is truly a linden bank breaker! Why do we spend so many lindens at these events? I know some people collect things, want the rares, or just go for the fun of it. I suppose it is a good thing that the event isn't every single month since there are already a lot of other events that happen monthly and even weekly that keep us shopping addicts busy. It's so hard to resist playing every machine because almost all of them have the cutest little things regardless if we can use them a lot or just one time then the object sits in our inventory and becomes forgotten.

 I will say, I was overly happy to get the rare rag doll "Blanche"! But I can't say that I actually got it on my own! I spent over 2k lindens one night trying to get that one specifically and I never got it! I was complaining to a friend about it the night after and then he later comes to me telling me he got the Blanche rag doll and he gave it to me! Of course though, after like another 2k lindens! That's when you know those rare items are really rare! So whats in it for getting the rare items? I know some people get it to sell them at jacked prices, some get them because once they sell then you wont see them again (at least I think so) unless at a yard sale and some are lucky and get them on the first try! I've only been lucky enough to get a few rares on the first try.
 I also question, what sets the rares apart from the other objects? What if the word rare was on a different object in the same Gacha? Would we want it just as bad? I know some rares are made a bit cooler than the normal one but not all. There were some that would be the same exact as the original objects so it didn't mean anything to me if I didn't get a rare. But like the Blanche doll, it was the rare one that seems to be untextured but the fact that it indeed is plain and white makes it so... cute and it definitely is rare to get! It's plain and uncolored but I just had to have it, even after I got the other rares multiple times!
 I know rares won't be out in circulation as much as normal ones which gives us the reason to get them then sell them over 1,000L, but before I would ever do that, I'd have to stop and think about how much it's really worth, how much it's wanted and how much i'm prepared to spend since I may or may not make anything from it. One part of me tells me to stay away from these Gacha events but it's too hard to stay away, it seems the items get better and better as time comes.
 Thankfully they only come like every three months, otherwise i'd never have lindens.

Look #1

The credits are below! A couple things first, if you plan to buy the shoes, make sure you have the Slink mesh feet, not the flat ones. The shoes are made especially for them, I personally didn't realize that when I bought them so I went and got the mesh feet and they look great! The dress I wore was specially made for The Dressing Room and for 70L I couldn't pass it up! But now, they also include the tango appliers! I don't know if the others do, but I also have this one in grey and it doesn't have the appliers. They work great with the dress! 
Also, I'm a noobie with the Slink hands and feet when it comes to using the applier huds but I figured it out myself, and it was probably common sense to some but just for future reference if anyone is just now purchasing them, Slink also includes the "Avatar Enhancement" packs, to use the applier huds from the skin designers you have to wear the little hud that's in that pack! 


Dress - [Cynful] First Date - Dark Reds - dressing room special - The Dressing Room
Necklace - (Yummy) Vintage Bow Charm Necklace - Yummy
Headband - RO - PinnAcle - Chrome - Remarkable Oblivion
Hair - [LeLutka]-BOUFFANT - CoalMine - LeLutka
Eyes - (Poetic Colors) - Pearl - Columbia - Poetic Colors
Shoes - Ingenue :: Lydia Slingbacks - Collabor 88
Mesh hands and feet - Slink - Slink
Skin - Glam Affair - Zara - Glam Affair
Cat - [Manticore] Black Cait v2 - [Manticore]