I think I can speak for everyone when I say the Gacha event is truly a linden bank breaker! Why do we spend so many lindens at these events? I know some people collect things, want the rares, or just go for the fun of it. I suppose it is a good thing that the event isn't every single month since there are already a lot of other events that happen monthly and even weekly that keep us shopping addicts busy. It's so hard to resist playing every machine because almost all of them have the cutest little things regardless if we can use them a lot or just one time then the object sits in our inventory and becomes forgotten.
I will say, I was overly happy to get the rare rag doll "Blanche"! But I can't say that I actually got it on my own! I spent over 2k lindens one night trying to get that one specifically and I never got it! I was complaining to a friend about it the night after and then he later comes to me telling me he got the Blanche rag doll and he gave it to me! Of course though, after like another 2k lindens! That's when you know those rare items are really rare! So whats in it for getting the rare items? I know some people get it to sell them at jacked prices, some get them because once they sell then you wont see them again (at least I think so) unless at a yard sale and some are lucky and get them on the first try! I've only been lucky enough to get a few rares on the first try.
I also question, what sets the rares apart from the other objects? What if the word rare was on a different object in the same Gacha? Would we want it just as bad? I know some rares are made a bit cooler than the normal one but not all. There were some that would be the same exact as the original objects so it didn't mean anything to me if I didn't get a rare. But like the Blanche doll, it was the rare one that seems to be untextured but the fact that it indeed is plain and white makes it so... cute and it definitely is rare to get! It's plain and uncolored but I just had to have it, even after I got the other rares multiple times!
I know rares won't be out in circulation as much as normal ones which gives us the reason to get them then sell them over 1,000L, but before I would ever do that, I'd have to stop and think about how much it's really worth, how much it's wanted and how much i'm prepared to spend since I may or may not make anything from it. One part of me tells me to stay away from these Gacha events but it's too hard to stay away, it seems the items get better and better as time comes.
Thankfully they only come like every three months, otherwise i'd never have lindens.
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