Sunday, June 9, 2013

Look #1

The credits are below! A couple things first, if you plan to buy the shoes, make sure you have the Slink mesh feet, not the flat ones. The shoes are made especially for them, I personally didn't realize that when I bought them so I went and got the mesh feet and they look great! The dress I wore was specially made for The Dressing Room and for 70L I couldn't pass it up! But now, they also include the tango appliers! I don't know if the others do, but I also have this one in grey and it doesn't have the appliers. They work great with the dress! 
Also, I'm a noobie with the Slink hands and feet when it comes to using the applier huds but I figured it out myself, and it was probably common sense to some but just for future reference if anyone is just now purchasing them, Slink also includes the "Avatar Enhancement" packs, to use the applier huds from the skin designers you have to wear the little hud that's in that pack! 


Dress - [Cynful] First Date - Dark Reds - dressing room special - The Dressing Room
Necklace - (Yummy) Vintage Bow Charm Necklace - Yummy
Headband - RO - PinnAcle - Chrome - Remarkable Oblivion
Hair - [LeLutka]-BOUFFANT - CoalMine - LeLutka
Eyes - (Poetic Colors) - Pearl - Columbia - Poetic Colors
Shoes - Ingenue :: Lydia Slingbacks - Collabor 88
Mesh hands and feet - Slink - Slink
Skin - Glam Affair - Zara - Glam Affair
Cat - [Manticore] Black Cait v2 - [Manticore]

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